Thursday, January 29, 2015

Social Justice Lesson

Fifth and Sixth graders learning together about the Friendship 9.  

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

January 6, 2015
The 5th and 6th grade science classes are both studying space and astronomy in some way.  For this reason, we are doing a constellation project together.  Students are to research a constellation and a myth about it.  They are drawing the constellation on a 12 X 18 piece of black construction paper.  They also need to read a myth and write a summary of the myth of their constellation.  Finally each student will make a "fact sheet" for their project.  These projects are due on Tuesday, January 13th.

We are excited to get the Chromebook into the class.  We hope to have them in the hands of the students by next week!  Thanks to the Home and School and also to Mr. Schanen for getting them and setting them up for us.

Monday, January 5, 2015

January 5, 2015
We returned back to school from Christmas vacation with a super cold day including indoor recess.  When we shared the "highlights" from our break, I was impressed that most were about seeing cousins or grandparents rather than the gifts received.  It is nice to see that the time shared with those we love is greatest gift of all!

We hope for warmer weather so that we can get out to play in the snow.